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    Tom Devereux

    Tom Devereux

    Senior Operations Manager

    Short | Ginger | Positive

    Mini Bio

    Having done ski seasons working as an instructor and resort rep in North America before university, I managed to get straight back into seasonaire life once I’d graduated. I alternated between Austria, Canada and Scotland for a couple of years, mixing between managing trip operations in resorts and instructing in various outdoor activities.

    Since settling down in the Highlands in 2014 my passion for skiing has been joined by canoeing, sea kayaking and hill walking.

    Favourite Place to Play

    Although I’ve spent the last couple of years in Scotland I’m still adding to my huge list of places to try. For now though you can’t beat the Central Highlands for lochs, rivers and hills to cruise around.

    Not a lot of People Know This

    After working a couple of summer seasons in the US, I became hooked on American sports and played Basketball and American Football throughout university.



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