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    Bus Stops of The Outer Hebrides - A Photo Blog

    Guest Author: Julia Hopkinson

    Unexpected Beauty

    Have you ever found beauty in the most unexpected places?

    During my incredible hiking trip with Wilderness Scotland–The High Points of the Hebrides—I was captivated by something unusual: the remote bus stops. We passed them during our scenic journeys to and from the hiking trailheads scattered across the wild landscape, and it truly struck me.

    Along a little road, there would be nothing—no houses, no turnings—and then, in the middle of nowhere, a bus stop! Eventually, I approached our friendly guide and asked if we could stop occasionally so I could hop out and capture these unique bus stops (a request that he and the group kindly humoured).


    Stark against the wild, untamed landscape

    Stark against the wild, untamed landscape

    Occasionally cheerful in perky yellow

    Occasionally cheerful in perky yellow

    Others less inviting

    Others less inviting

    But modern can be just utilitarian and drab

    Modern can be just utilitarian and drab

    And some echo the landscape

    Echo the landscape

    Discover the Outer Hebrides

    Meet the Guest Author: Julia Hopkinson

    I recently graduated with a Fine Arts degree from Reading University.

    Typically, I make screen prints and interrelated wall-based installations. I also do some photography and video work.

    My practice is influenced by Modernist principles, with a strong focus on formal elements (such as line, shape, and colour), abstraction, and the use of grids. My works are usually very simple in form, as I believe that ‘less is more’. As part of my creative process, I intentionally use chance and accident, meaning the works are not fully pre-determined. Often, chance and accidents disrupt the work and lead it in new directions.

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