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    The West Coast of Scotland’s First SeaBin is Launched!

    5 min read

    Author: Juliet Wilson
    More by Juliet

    We’re delighted to have installed the West Coast of Scotland’s first Seabin!

    Thanks to the generosity of our guests, our conservation fund can be spent on a variety of conservation projects throughout the year. Learn more about our Wilderness Conservation and Community Fund here.

    We are always looking for new and exciting ways to use the funds from this scheme in some of the areas of Scotland that we work in. We’re very lucky that we are able to give something back.  We have a yearly commitment to the John Muir Trust, and last year our donation went towards some much needed path maintenance on Skye.  The office staff also volunteer at Trees for Life which I wrote about in my last blog.

    This year we wanted to do something that involved the sea. We were all so affected by the film Plastic Ocean which documents the astounding problems of waste plastic in our oceans. After a lot of research by our green team, it was decided to buy a Sea Bin with our wonderful clients donations to the Wilderness Conservation and Community Fund.


    A sea bin filters harbour waste to remove marine rubbish, pollutant and plastics both large and small from the sea, collecting roughly 1.4 tonnes over 12 months.  We decided to invest in this as we feel plastic and marine rubbish are a major factor in the demise of some of our ocean’s habitats.  We decided to install it in Mallaig Harbour, on the West coast of Scotland – a place that we use regularly by trips departing from here, such as our Sailing and Walking holidays and Family Sea Kayaking adventures.

    Seabin Installed

    The Seabin being installed at Mallaig Harbour.

    A huge thanks to our generous clients for making this possible and to the people in Mallaig for collaborating with us on this project.

    **If you want to see the sea bin in action then come down to Mallaig Harbour on 28th May when we are having an official launch from 1000-1200.  We look forward to seeing you there! **

    Meet the Author: Juliet Wilson

    I have always loved the outdoors ever since I was a child growing up in the New Forest, my favourite memories are being out in nature whether it is riding my bike, skiing or hiking. I moved to Scotland 3 years ago after a few years of doing ski seasons and have never looked back - it is the best place in the world to live, work and play!

    View profile More by Juliet


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