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    Author: Ben Thorburn, Head of Marketing
    More by Ben

    Hebrides: Islands on the Edge

    The Outer Hebrides has now been added to the list of inspiring destinations that the BBC have chosen to cover as part of their suite of natural history masterpieces.

    Following on from the likes of “Africa” where David Attenborough explored eye to eye the diverse habitats, awe-inspiring wildlife and uncovered the unknown of this impressive continent; the BBC team and Ewan McGregor have distilled a landmark series that’s been 3 years in the making.

    The Outer Hebrides in HD

    They bring in the expert cameramen and filming techniques we’ve come to love over recent years and provide an intimate portrait of island life over the course of a year.

    If like me you were choking back the tears when Sir David said goodbye to his blind baby rhino in the final episode of Africa, then I think we’re in for another rollercoaster as we follow a the lives and characters of the most stunning wildlife in Scotland.

    This is part of a summer of Wild Scotland themed programmes which take the world’s top cameramen into our everyday playground.

    I literally can’t wait to see these programmes and I hope that you enjoy them every bit as much as I intend to. Make sure you’re glued to BBC 1, Monday night at 9pm.

    For more information and stunning video clips about Hebrides Islands on the Edge, visit the BBC Nature website.

    Meet the Author: Ben Thorburn

    Ben is Head of Marketing at Wilderness Scotland and his love and enthusiasm for Scotland’s wild places is what he hopes rubs off and inspires people to visit such an incredible place. Outside of work he's found in his natural habitat; the mountains, whether skiing, on a mountain bike or walking.

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