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    Ben Thorburn

    Ben Thorburn

    Head of Marketing

    Green-fingered | Freeskiing | Monkey

    Mini Bio

    I was brought up in the picturesque west coast community of Lochcarron in the Scottish Highlands and I remember listening to the stags eerily roaring across the loch each autumn. Ever since my childhood I’ve had a strong connection with the landscape and nature; it enthuses me and feeds my soul.

    I’m the Head of Marketing at Wilderness Scotland and I hope my love and enthusiasm for Scotland’s wild places inspires people to visit such an incredible place.

    Favourite Place to Play

    Living and working in the Cairngorms National Park is amazing but being from the west coast, I don’t think you can beat the iconic mountains of Assynt and Coigach.


    Not a lot of People Know This

    I failed my Bronze DofE after some shoddy map reading within the first half a mile. We were given a second chance on day 2 and promptly managed to get lost then too.


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